Gaming News Round-up - Console rumour edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 October 2011

In this week's Gaming News Round-up - rumours abound about Microsoft's next Xbox console as well as Sony's PlayStation 3 follow-up. FULL STORY >


New report details most highly anticipated games

By Ryan Noik 3 October 2011

Global information and measurement company Nielsen has released its Top 20 Games to Watch report that tracks what gamers are most excited about this holiday season. FULL STORY >


E3: The best gaming has to offer

By Johan Keyter 5 July 2011

E3's marked on every serious gamer's calendar, since it's here that the best new releases and products get revealed. FULL STORY >


Major Gears of War 3 leak

By Johan Keyter 4 July 2011

Microsoft's upcoming Gears of War 3 has its single player campaign leaked months before the title is scheduled to hit shelves. FULL STORY >


Gears of War 3 launch date confirmed

By Hanleigh Daniels 24 February 2011

One of the most anticipated run-and-gun titles for Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming console gets dated. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The make your own game edition

By Johan Keyter 21 January 2011

In this week's gaming news roundup we welcome LittleBigPlanet 2 to the fray while pondering what Kinect could mean for Gears of War. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The revolution edition

By Johan Keyter 15 October 2010

In this week's gaming news roundup we get even more excited about Call of Duty Black Ops and we showcase the amazing new trailer for Fable III. FULL STORY >


Epics puts Gears of War 3 story up to a vote

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 July 2010

Epic is employing fans of the Gears of War franchise to assist them in determining the fate of one of the Gears of War 3 characters. FULL STORY >


Gears of War 3 release date set

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 April 2010

Epic Games have announced the release date for the final chapter in the popular Gears of War story. FULL STORY >


Gears of War 2

By Thomas McKinnon 27 November 2008

Gears of War 2 continues the story of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad, locked in an increasingly desperate battle against the nightmarish Locust Horde for the survival of humanity. Gears of War 2 is an epic saga of survival, loss, and retribution. FULL STORY >

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